How I Dealt With Bullying by Marquesa Lola

How I Dealt With Bullying

By Marquesa Lola

I suffered from bullying for many months, but it did not stop me from hanging out with my bully, considering her to be my best friend. She pushed me to my limits and to do horrible things.

 Today, I want to share a bullying experience with you. What is it? How does it affect people? Let me tell you how I dealt with bullying?

Let’s take a journey back through my childhood. Picture a very stubborn five year old who starts school for the first time. Picture a teacher who believes, “La letra con sangre entra,” or, “Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child.” It was not an excellent thriving environment for a stubborn child. I learned that submission was a better choice at school if I wanted to be spared of a good spanking. When teachers verbally or physically abuse kids, the abuse is rarely called bullying. My teacher was my first bully, but not the only bully in my life. 

When teachers verbally or physically abuse kids, the abuse is rarely called bullying.”

I became a shy and withdrawn child and the victim of another bully. She was a friend, and I looked up to her, she managed to make a puppet out of me. She demanded money, food, clothes, and any item she fancied from me.  My parents could not explain why I kept misplacing sweaters, coats, and toys.

I suffered her bullying for many months, but she was my “best friend,” so I did not stop myself from hanging out with her. She made me do terrible things. She intimidated me to steal small toys, pencils, or spit on other children’s food, and I was forced to watch them eat it. As a reward, I was allowed to have a spot in her team of cool kids. She was so twisted that at one point, she asked me to give a love note to a boy she knew I liked. I became the messenger between the two of them. At that point, I realized she was not a true friend. 

I was right!! From the time I told her I was no longer interested in her friendship, she made my life a living hell. I was subjected to an entire year of insults from her team. They would spread rumors about my family, and they use sarcasm and put-downs that were unbearable to me. I was so affected by it that I decided to tell my parents.  We decided I needed a break, and I was sent to live with my aunt for a few months. 

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If you or someone you know is being bullied, tell your parents or teachers about it. I know how lonely and emotionally daunting it is when you are the victim of a bully. And definitely I remember suffering from anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. I remember I could not concentrate on school work, and my social interactions at school were just limited to my bullies. If this is happening to you, please, find a trusting adult and share your concerns with them. Don’t go through this experience alone. My parents were very supportive when I finally told them.  

“If you or someone you know is being bullied, tell your parents or teachers about it.”

You may think that students who are bullied are the only ones affected by the bully. The reality is different. There is another group of kids who also may experience mental health problems: the bystanders. I remember when one of the kids from the “cool group” reached out to me and tried to protect me at times. Often, she watched silently for fear of retaliation. I believe she also suffered from anxiety due to the pressure to participate in the bullying.

She felt powerless to stop the bullying and guilty for not having defended me at times. If you are a bystander, you have a big responsibility. You should share what you know with a person you trust because not only will you help the victim move on and heal, but also, you will find closure yourself. Doing the right thing will help you recover from the trauma as well. I was very moved when this girl finally left the group.

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 “My friend,” the bully, grew up to be a sour adult.  She never finished school and had problems with substance abuse as a teenager. If you are a bully, consider talking to an adult who can help you figure out the reasons why you need to bully others.  You will find out that often it is not your fault.  It may be a byproduct of your environment. Usually, you can work things out with the help of a trusting person. 

It is crucial to tell your parents and educators if you are either being bullied or if you are engaging in bullying behavior. If you are not sure what you are experiencing is bullying, do a self-check:  Are my new friends making me do things I am not comfortable with? Did my behavior change? Did I change my eating habits? Are my grades declining? Do I have difficulty sleeping? Please, don’t ignore these signs and run fast to tell someone you trust.  

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I believe my own bullying experience shaped my personality. Telling my parents was the best choice I made. I also learned that it is painful to be ridiculed. And I promised myself I would never submit a person to the type of abuse I went through. I vowed myself never to force anyone to do anything against their will, ridicule, or insult them. And, to this day, I have kept my promise to the best of my knowledge. Other children are not as fortunate as I was, and instead of turning the experience into a life lesson, they end up experiencing severe mental health issues. This is how I dealt with bullying If you want, you can share your story with me, with Marquesa Lola. I am here to lend you a hand. Don’t let anyone dim your sparkle!!!!

I vowed myself never to force anyone to do anything against their will, ridicule, or insult them.

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Accessing and Balancing the Subconscious Mind by Rei

Accessing and Balancing the Subconscious Mind

By Rei

We have so many thoughts each day, yet we only use 5% or less of the conscious mind. The rest is the subconscious mind. In other words, we are only aware of the tip of the iceberg. What is the subconscious mind? The subconscious mind is physical functions, feelings, deep belief systems, intuitions, and so on. The Law of attraction works with the subconscious mind. For instance, what you wish in a conscious mind is not necessarily what you believe deep inside. Accessing and balancing the subconscious mind is beneficial as it occupies most of our minds and abilities. 

Related Post: How the Law of Attraction Works

There are many ways to balance the subconscious mind. One of them is meditation. When I had a hypnotherapy session, I couldn’t access my subconscious mind because my conscious mind was way too busy. That’s when I started to practice meditation. It is quite challenging in the beginning, I started with guided meditation, and meditation music (Solfeggio music) helps. 

“Meditation has given me guidance, self-healing, purification as well as less inner chatter. “

Stages of brain waves:

Beta 13-40 HzAwakeoveractive thinking, fear, anxiety, stress

Alpha 7-13 HzLight Meditationrelaxed, creativity, super learning

Theta 4-7 HzDeep Meditation intuition, inspiration, memory enhancement

Delta 0-4 Hz Deep Sleepunconscious mind, growth hormone release, immune system, self-healing

Meditation has health benefits, as well. Being relaxed mode brings better mental states – less inner chatter gives a clear mind, reducing stress can lead to better breathing, improving circulation, boosting the immune system, and balancing Chakras that align energy. 

Meditation has given me guidance, self-healing, purification as well as less inner chatter. 

The best time to get the most rest and hormone balance is going to bed before 10 pm. Being said, it is good for Beauty; I go to bed before this time 🙂 It is known to connect with the Universe: meeting our higher self receiving guidance and ideas. A good example is a dream. My son once told me that he gets so many creative ideas while he is sleeping without sharing my knowledge. Children are so aligned with the subconscious mind. 

And of course, BodyTalk is all about accessing the subconscious mind. 

Related Post: How Bodytalk Balances My Well-Being

By using the techniques above, my subconscious mind has been reprogrammed step by step. In order to keep it, I believe that the best thing is “Living in the moment.” Do not give too much thought and treat yourself to a relaxing time that produces more productivity and brings peace rather than a busy mind. It is all about balancing. 

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Walking My Life Journey with Soulmates by Rei

Walking My Life Journey with Soulmates

By Rei

Soulmate, Soul Family, Soul Group, Kindred Spirit, Twin Flame, etc., there are many types to be called. I am just going to use Soulmate here. After all, it doesn’t matter what they are called. A soulmate doesn’t need to be a romantic partner; it can be a friend, family member, co-worker, or someone you just met. It can be anyone. And we will encounter many of them. Soulmates appear in our lives to teach us a lesson for soul growth or to support each other to achieve a life mission. Some might stay, and some might come and go.

I can say that my inner circle is my soulmates. We support each other to achieve our goals. Some teach me lessons and guidance. They live all over the world, thanks to technology! 

Knowing how the Universe works, I am better at dealing with situations. When an unpleasant situation occurs. I try to figure out what this situation/person is trying to teach me – A Mirroring effect – reflection of your inner self. 

It was an absolute choice. Choosing the path of acceptance this time without forcing myself. 

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I must say that my ex-husband is one of my soulmates. He has given me hundreds of lessons. We came from 180 degrees of different circumstances, cultures, personalities, and values. We are way too different. When we are together, we can be fine without faking. Or it can be the worst. The reason why our marriage ended was our differences in values and personalities. Instead of accepting the differences, it became resentment to both of us. We also grew apart. 

It has been years since the divorce, moving on with my life, and creating a new path. Yet I still had a resentment that I couldn’t let go – the affair he had when I was pregnant. They were co-workers spending so much time together who started falling in love. I decided to stay in the marriage for my child. I know that was the wrong reason, but I didn’t know better back then. Things were never the same. I lost respect for him as a person; my love for him diminished over time. 

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After the divorce, my ex and the woman got back together. It was fine until she became involved in my children’s lives. That is when I would experience flashbacks of the past. I was fearful my children would become emotionally attached to her just like my ex.  After all, I am only human; I have feelings and memories. It doesn’t help that I have outstanding memory and I remember everything as if it was yesterday. I wish those specific memories could be wiped out. Believe me, I tried everything to let go. 

Recently, my ex just announced moving in with her, AND she is pregnant. I don’t think I have been this upset for a long time…

“Subconsciously this resentment was affecting my well-being.”

Twenty-four hours later, my state of mind has completely shifted. When I think about the unborn child, I want the baby to be healthy and be loved just like any child deserves to be loved. Emitting upsetting energy in this situation is not providing a healthy environment. This was a Mirroring. I know the pain, and I don’t want to be the person. My children are excited about the baby’s arrival. Why not being supportive?  I tried cord-cutting meditation, what I saw was the image of my ex, his girlfriend, and the baby all smiling. Tears were rolling down, and my heart felt warm. That is what I want, their happiness. I am glad that he found someone who had the same values and loves him unconditionally. Though I no longer love him, but I care about him.

It was an absolute choice. Choosing the path of acceptance this time without forcing myself. 

This was a long journey. Not only am I finally graduating from this assignment but also opening the unconditional love. Subconsciously this resentment was affecting my well-being. Ever since this release, I have been shifting drastically as if all BodyTalk sessions I received in a month have just shifted at the same time. Having more compassion for every single person I encounter and filled with love. Simply feeling the oneness. “We are one.” 

Related Post: How Bodytalk Balances My Well-Being

I thank him for bearing with me for this long and taught me the biggest lesson – Unconditional Love – as well as other Soulmates who have supported and believed in me that I will get here one day. 

I am stepping into the New Chapter of my life feeling free. Walking my life journey with Soulmates. I love who I am becoming.

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I Am the Main Character in My Life by Abbie Vanessa

I Am the Main Character in My Life

By Abbie Vanessa

“Not being good enough” mentality is exhausting. Growing up in a very traditional Hispanic household, I had to start breaking old customs and ways of thinking. None of that resonated with me, and it never has. It made me feel uncomfortable, yet I always had to make sure I didn’t let my family down. I felt guilty, not making my family proud or happy with everything I did. I decided to ask myself and other people in my life questions about what they thought about their worries and insecurities. I wondered what discouraged them from either doing what feels right to them. I even asked them about the dating world, and they were worried about not having enough to seem intriguing or valuable. That makes me feel sad, and I hate hearing people talk so low about their value. For one, you are not alive to impress others. You don’t owe anyone anything, and you shouldn’t put that on others.

I use to think so negatively about myself. I would stress over how I looked, overthink everything I did, and worry about all the “expectations” my family had because I’m a Latina and a female. The pressure not to fuck up was high. I’m the youngest and the one who challenges others the most. Growing up, my parents were irritated at how much I questioned and didn’t accept how things were. I believed their way of thinking for a while until I decided to live my life for myself and thought, why do I have to live life the way many do. Most are doing what the “right” way to live life is, and it has never been enjoyable to me.

“Do not allow anyone to take away your growth and discourage you from trying something they feel is impossible to do.”

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I don’t like routine and this “order” we need to follow. Everyone is so different. It would be weird for everyone to do the same thing. I didn’t take the “regular” route in life. I did go to college, but to please others so I wouldn’t start an argument on how I would always struggle if I didn’t go. I changed the way I thought and did what I wanted, and let me tell you I put my all into it. I have my expectations as a person, and its so much fun living a life where you’re the main character and have control. I wake up every day feeling how can I be better today. How can I be better for others but also for myself because I don’t like to have bad energy around me or pass it on to others?  It affects my feeling and others in such a big way. There are so many things I need to do to be the person I want to be but can confidently say that I am a genuine, caring, and talented woman.

I remind myself by looking back and seeing how I was and where I’m at today because I stopped letting others define me. I refused to ask people around me if they were proud because the ones who mattered just told me. You never have to ask the people in your life if you’re “good enough,” they will show you. 

I am not what I do. Not what I own or where I live. It’s how I am as a person that defines me.

I noticed when it comes to dating, and you start to see all of the things that you are insecure about that really shouldn’t even be an issue. For example, I found myself trying to remember all the cool activities I did in life to seem appealing. I started feeling low because I felt like I wasn’t good enough, BUT that’s not who I am. I am not what I do. Not what I own or where I live. Its how I am as a person. I want someone to view me for me, not my property. It took a lot of reflection to get out of this mindset, and it got me thinking about how others are feeling. Also, how they have the pressure to have their life together before bringing someone into it. We can have our perfect lifestyle one day, and get it taken away the next. 

People will always find something new to comment on when you do accomplish what they didn’t expect you to do. I’ve noticed that many people I come across feel stuck in their own life and some hate seeing others around them do better. Do not allow anyone to take away your growth and discourage you from trying something they feel is impossible to do. You have to tell yourself every day that you are proud of everything you’ve created and learned. Give yourself a lot more credit. Now enjoy another day.

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There are plenty of people in this world that will adore you and see you as you are with your virtues and your imperfections. Allow yourself to go out and find them, and when you do, keep them close. Love yourself, and don’t let anyone discourage you from doing what you want because it’s not about the path others want for you. Why waste your life on the expectations of others?

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I Am My Best Company by Marquesa Lola

I Am My Best Company

By Marquesa Lola

I have never lived alone before. I left my family home and I moved in with my partner almost immediately.  Five months ago, after 40 years of living with my partner, I found myself living alone in the middle of a world pandemic. And I realized that I am my best company. Today, I want to reflect on the benefits and challenges of this milestone in my life. 

Living alone is giving me the time to work on the most important relationship in my life; the relationship I have with myself. For many years, I have neglected the person I spend most of the time with “Me”. 

My whole life, I have dedicated my time to taking care of others, feeling I was not getting enough in return.  As the oldest child in a family of five siblings, my parents relied on me to be responsible for my sisters. That probably set me up for a lifetime of caring for others. Later, as an adult, I dedicated my life to support hundreds of students and my own family with all my heart.  I believed, at the time,  it was selfish to look after myself and rarely took the time to think about my wellbeing and happiness.  

I have neglected the person I spend most of the time with “Me”.

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Today, I find myself living alone, in the middle of a pandemic with only one person to take care of, Marquesa Lola, and I am loving it. All the attention I gave to others, I am now receiving from the person I trust the most, Me. I am learning to take the time to love myself because I deserve it. All that love and support I will continue giving around will be enhanced as I learn to embrace the concept of self- love. I read that a woman writes with lipstick on her bathroom mirror the words: “I am enough” every day.  I have tried it myself finding this simple act of affirmation extremely uplifting.  Let’s celebrate loving ourselves to be able to love others better! 

Living alone is allowing me to strengthen my relationships with family and friends. It has allowed me to examine those relationships and to evaluate the ones I don’t get much benefit from. I am learning to identify who adds positiveness and who adds toxicity to my life. This allows me to choose the people  I want to be present in my life as friends and who are those people I just want to keep as acquaintances. Solitude has provided the time I need to examine all my relationships and prioritize who I want in my life from now on.

“By far the greatest benefit to living alone has been to be able to make my own decisions, big or small.”

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Being alone has also allowed me the flexibility and time to explore new things. I always felt uneasy to do certain things in front of my partner or my family. You may ask yourself: What would you want to do without an audience? Well, I love sing-alongs and dancing.  Now, I can dance to my favorite music in the kitchen. I can watch any television show regardless of how silly the show is, go to bed, eat, go for a walk, paint, and meet anyone I want, at any time I wish, and without anyone judging me for it. This is a huge plus of living alone.

Living alone has allowed me to create my own spaces at home. When I found myself living on my own, I gave my bedroom’s furniture away and I redecorated my new bedroom. When I look around my new space, I see myself in it now. Everything around me is mine, my taste, and my choice. I feel more comfortable, to the point that I sleep a lot better these days. My room looks beautiful and I love it!

By far the greatest benefit to living alone has been to be able to make my own decisions, big or small. For the last 40 years, every decision I took was consulted with my partner or my family. Now, I don’t have to ask anyone for “permission” to make choices and that is liberating. I started with small decisions such as buying new furniture for my new bedroom and moved to more important decisions. I have adopted a pet without consulting anyone, I am making decisions for my retirement, and I am learning to manage my finances.

Living alone can be challenging, but you can learn to enjoy your own company

Living alone can be challenging, but if you can learn to enjoy your own company, add some healthy routines, and make regular plans to meet your friends and family, it can be freeing and rewarding. My experience of living alone is not a lonely one. If you live alone, YOU are definitely in good company!!!!!! Enjoy a single living!! 

These words of encouragement are dedicated to my lovely sister who, like me, is learning to walk this path alone but not lonely! Si se puede!

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Searching for My Life’s Mission by Rei

Searching for My Life’s Mission

By Rei

It’s been a long time ever since I started wondering what I was born to do. I am always drawn to people who follow their passions and know what they are meant to do. I get so excited for them as it was mine, and support them. I’ve been searching for my life’s mission for many many years. Every year, that was my New Year’s resolution, finding passion. It’s not like I was waiting for it to come; I went searching and trying. 

My first full-time job was in the Fashion industry in NYC. The job was fun and fulfilling. After years, I moved on and tried for different industries to realize that those weren’t for me; I went back to the fashion industry doing a similar job with a much better environment. Though I liked and appreciated it, I always felt that something was missing… Passion. Surrounding myself with friends who had passions for their jobs made me even feel that I was out of place. We moved to Los Angeles for my ex’s dream job. Of course, I was very supportive of that. 

I became a full-time mother, due to the circumstances, which led me to feel empty as I was losing my own identity. I struggle being a mother; I started to think that this must be my mission for my life.

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Related Post: How Being a Mom Is Healing My Inner Child

After the divorce, I became more into a spiritual path. That’s when my friend told me about hypnotherapy. I tried to see if this could remove some of my blockages. Well…, I couldn’t access my subconscious mind much. That’s when I started to practice meditation. 

As my spiritual interests explore, years later, I learned about Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), which was created by Dolores Cannon. She was a famous hypnotherapist specialized in past life regression, the one who rewrote Nostadams’ prophesies by contacting him through QHHT, proving that there is a parallel world, as well as many humans’ past lives, are from different planets. 

We all decide our own lives’ scenarios, yet we forget about to clear the assignments (what known as Karmas) for soul growth.”

I had a QHHT session three months ago by the practitioner, who was trained by Dolores Cannon. I was able to access my subconscious at this time and talked to a higher self, which is myself. All words were coming from my mouth. Finally, I found my mission. This experience confirmed that we have answers within us. 

We all decide our own lives’ scenarios, yet we forget to clear the assignments (what known as Karmas) for soul growth. However, many of us stuck with the assignments instead of clearing them. Yes, I was one of them. I had quite obstacles in life. As per the QHHT practitioner, through her experiences, when the assignments are cleared by overcoming, we will be led to our mission if we have any. Assignments are something towards myself, such as coming from the ego. Missions are toward outward. 

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Finally, all the puzzles are put together. 

The mission is much simpler than I thought. Everything has the right timing. I was ready to grasp the meaning of it instead of just the words. 

“Everything has the right timing.”

We are here to enjoy our lives and love each other. I started to have so many synchronicities after a month, started hearing what I have said everywhere as if it is a confirmation. Six weeks after the session, I had experienced Soul Awakening. I no longer need to search for the answer; everything is within myself. 

“I no longer need to search for the answer; everything is within myself.” 

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Why Did The Narcissist Choose Me? by Marquesa Lola

Why Did The Narcissist Choose Me?

By Marquesa Lola

This is Marquesa Lola thinking out loud. I have always asked myself why did the narcissist choose me as a partner? He had met many other girls before me. On the day he noticed me, he was not sober, and he could have forgotten about me the next day. But, he came back to see me over and over, even though I was not particularly interested in him. Of course, after a couple of weeks, he had created a web in which he has trapped me for decades. But why me? Did I have specific weaknesses, qualities,  or traits that attracted him to me? What were those traits?

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The more I learn about narcissism, the more I see how I fit the profile of a person a narcissist would choose for a partner. When I met him, I was young and pretty, sharp, and compassionate. At that time, I had firm beliefs and many aspirations for my life. I wanted to change the world for the best. I had strong family support and felt loved by many. At that time, I was an extrovert and a dreamer. I was living the best time of my life, and I was confident and happy. Then, I met him.

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Narcissists are drawn to people who will nurture their ego.”

To begin with, a narcissist looks for a person who will be devoted to him. Narcissists are drawn to people who make them look good about themselves, people who will nurture their ego. They look for empathic people who validate their feelings, overlook their flaws, and who will not likely leave them during the narcissistic abuse. That is precisely what I provided for my narcissist. During our life together, I validated his ideas, choices, and family decisions. If those decisions were not to my full conformity, he managed to overrule my opinions, and I just let it happen rather than engage in a session of narcissistic rage.

Narcissists and empaths tend to attract each other. Narcissists see someone they can use, and empaths see someone they can help and fix. As an empath, I often want to please others and not disappoint anyone, which makes it hard for me to set boundaries, especially with manipulative people. This is one of the reasons why it has been effortless for my narcissist to take advantage of me. He knew that as an empath, I would rather fight to save the relationship and that I would never give up easily on my beloved ones. Certainly, I did not give up even though I knew that I was not in a loving relationship. I sucked it up and tolerated the manipulation to a degree. I was an easy target for him. 

Narcissists and empaths tend to attract each other. Narcissists see someone they can use, and empaths see someone they can help and fix.

A common misconception is that a narcissist looks for a weak person to manipulate. But, in my research, I found the opposite. He actually looks for a person who has talents, healthy family relations, and careers that have good standing in the eyes of others.  All these make him feel special through association.  

Narcissists have low self-esteem. I believe they are attracted to someone who reflects well on them in the eyes of others. This way they feel important. At the time I met him, I knew a lot of people. I think that was one of the traits that he thought was advantageous to him. He was popular because I was popular. However,  he tried to reduce the circle of my friends as time went by. Luckily, I did not allow him to separate me from my friends and family, and that has helped me cope with my life on many occasions.

More often than not, a relationship with a narcissist is all about control. He feels powerful in taking down someone who appears mentally, physically, or emotionally stable. That way, he feels more accomplished if he succeeds in tearing you down. As a young adult, I was a competent young woman. I was strong and independent. After years with him, I found myself doubting every move I made. I went through a series of self-doubt episodes that triggered severe anxiety and depression that lasted for years. 

“A relationship with a narcissist is all about control.”

I understand now how I was trapped in a relationship with a narcissist. I finally understand why a narcissist did choose me. Still, it has taken me 40 years to realize how, gradually, I was made believe I was at fault for the deficits in our relationship. The traits that once were what attracted him to me became weaknesses in his eyes. I began to believe the reason I was not loved by him was my fault to the point that I became a shadow of the person I once was. 

Once I was discarded by the narcissist, I understood that my life had been full of drama and heartache.  Once you admit you are in a toxic relationship, you need to take charge of your life. It is never too late to mend yourself after such a relationship. It takes time, but detaching from the past sure makes you smarter and a stronger person. Once you learn it was not you, it was HIM, your second chance in life begins again!!!

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Balancing My Body and Mind With Yoga by Rei

Balancing My Body and Mind With Yoga

By Rei

Balancing my body and mind is one of my priorities in life. One of my methods I use to balance myself is practicing yoga. Yoga is becoming a part of me. Every once in a while, I practiced yoga at home or take classes. 

I was at the stage of still experiencing a “negative spiral.” Thoughts take over my feelings. Ideas are coming from past experiences and interfere with the future. I was desperate to break the pattern. My goal was, “Living in the moment.” That’s when I met my mentor, Edward. He has this strong positive energy that reflects his inner confidence. When I first met Edward. I sensed his energy that he was living in the moment without knowing him. Well, I found out that he is a master of oneness; he is always spreading love to others. That is the ultimate goal. His advice was to take Yoga classes regularly with an instructor named Eden; this would help me to live in the moment.

I have seen not only a physical change but a mental evolution in myself.

I’ve taken different Yoga classes, but I find that Eden’s class fits me. Her classes are challenging, but at the same time, rewarding. I come out very refreshing after each class. After ten months of taking her classes a few times a week, I have seen not only a physical change but a mental evolution in myself.

Related Post: How Bodytalk Balances My Well-Being

Yoga puts me in a meditative state – be in the moment, and share the space with others who have the same purpose – be there to practice yoga. It is not like I can do all those crazy poses, but I accept myself for being there and trying. Practicing yoga is not just an exercise. It connects to and shifts the inner self. There are days where my emotions take over, but I am grateful yoga has taught me how to get back to “living in the moment. I am in a much better place in life because of yoga.

“Practicing yoga is not just an exercise. It connects to and shifts the inner self.”

With this quarantine, my Yoga teacher Eden launched her Yoga site!!, I had no idea how much my body and mind missed her classes. She is not only a fantastic Yoga teacher but also a loving person. She makes everyone feel a part of her class. Though she is a Yoga teacher, everyone assumes that they are all Zen. She shares the vulnerable side of her. Her message always touches my heart. It makes me feel that nobody is perfect, and it is perfectly ok.  We are human. 

Meet Eden – She’s not your typical yogi.

I can’t wait to take her classes face to face again. Until then, I am connecting with her and all others who are in this matrix through this new virtual way 🙂 

I look forward to discovering the depth of yoga as I continue practicing. Nothing is a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. You go through experiences, meet certain people for reasons. I am thankful I was given and took this opportunity to surround myself with these wonderful people. 

This tip is for you 🙂

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Live Your Life Your Way by Abbie Vanessa

Live Your Life Your Way

By Abbie Vanessa

Listen up, and hope this sticks. I’m sure you guys have heard this regularly, but there are still a lot of people out there that are still allowing others to guide the way you view life. I find myself envisioning my life daily, and it makes me so excited. The second I tell someone about it there’s always a side comment or an unwanted opinion. We are all experiencing different events so why would I listen to someone who isn’t on the same wave.

I am living my life based on everything that I have chosen to have and not have in my life. I’m not following a guideline because it’s basic. It doesn’t fit and won’t fit, so I don’t want to play Follow the Leader. I’m that person that will walk along with people not behind them.

I came from a family that helped me to the max when it comes to life.
Being the only girl and the youngest in the family, I got the most direction and protection from everyone. I had a safety net my whole life, but the day I got emotionally hurt in a relationship, I felt so lost, and I knew I couldn’t have everyone direct the way I live my life.

I’m no Mr. Clean and damn right I’m no housewife.”

If my family had it their way, I would have been forced to do the traditional route. School until I’m 26, find a husband, have kids, and die being a housewife and cleaning after everyone. Let me tell you I’m no Mr. Clean and damn right I’m no housewife.

I grew up watching my mother sacrifice her life to take care of my brothers and me. Making sure the house was perfect for us. Now that we are older, it looks like she is a bit lost. She started working about 4 years ago and is finally getting used to having her own life again, but she was terrified. I continuously tell myself I do not want that for me. So I challenge myself to make life a bit different every day.

I knew college was not going to work for me. My talents would go to waste if I stayed in a classroom reading up on things I can give two shits about. I pushed my friends and family to get comfortable with me, not accepting what they want me to do, and now they are impressed to see where I’m at.

“I will not know how to live life if you and dad constantly save me.”

One day, I asked one of my coworkers what her view was on how to live life. She has a daughter my age; she said one day, her daughter said, “You need to let me fall and get hurt because I will not know how to live life if you and dad constantly save me. You guys try to protect me and make sure I do the right things because you have been there and done that, but I won’t have you forever and can’t depend on you to be my safety net.” This made me so happy because I can imagine how hard it is to be a parent. To want to protect your child from harm, but I’ve learned the hard way that parents will never avoid it.

As individuals, we learn how to figure out solutions and how to cope with what life throws at you. You should live your life the way you want it to be. Don’t waste time pleasing others boo. People only view your life for a few seconds, and honestly, unless that person is next to me 24/7 I’m not letting anyone direct the way I see or live it.

If you are happy, have a home (regardless if it’s alone, with roommates, or with family), food to eat…you are doing great, sweetie. Spend your time doing things that make you happy.

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